Staying safe whilst using the internet
A message from our Hampshire Police Cyber Ambassador Coordinator.
Parents /Guardians
Remember to stay socially safe whilst playing online games or interacting on social media.
Here is a guide to help encourage Secure online gaming
For support aimed at children of all ages, parents, carers and teachers please visit www.thinkyouknow.co.uk.
If you are concerned about any online issues here’s more guidance on reporting to CEOP https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
A colleague from the Force Cyber Crime unit kindly shared this online activity book for students; https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/introduce-kids-to-cybersecurity-with-this-free-activity-book/.
Take part in the live challenge to help stay scam aware Spot, Avoid, Report. More information on scams is found on https://www.hampshire-pcc.gov.uk/get-involved/taking-action/scamnesty.
Report any Internet related issues to Childline on 0800 1111 or Click CEOP or Internet Watch Foundation. Remember if in doubt always give an adult a shout!
Parent Zone are providing a number of resources to help teach children how to be safe when using the internet.
Click the images below to find out more information to help keep your children safe whilst they use the internet.
If you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating online, let CEOP know.
- A guide to esafety at home
- Apps and Links for parents
- Cyberbullying parents presentation
- OFSTED Online safety
- Secure-online-gaming
- tips to keep children safe online